This was a letter forwarded to my email list that I belong to. I thought I'd like to share. The links to the dreamweaving site are below for you to go to for more information on the truth about what our government is doing to our whales.
dreamweaving Dear Dawn In the spring of 1998 I was living on the magical Big Island of Hawai'i. For several nights in a row I was having a dream about a humpback whale that was swimming with me eye to eye. In these unusually lucid dreams the whale continued to share with me her unconditional openness, peace and wisdom. It changed me profoundly and inspired a new relationship with these wise beings. One day I was out for a run and came to the bay near where I was living. Often there are dolphins in the bay and many of us would be down there shortly after dawn to slip into the water and go swimming with our dolphin friends. That day I was given a special greeting as a humpback whale and her calf were breaching repeatedly. Another day I was out on the ocean with friends and a whale did two swan dives right in front of us when we were swimming and deep inside I knew that the show was for me and the work I was about to do. For over 15 years I have been creating and designing protocols for healing with sound. I created a healing sound environment called the DreamWeaver in which music is vibrated throughout the whole body like a musical massage. In my work I use low to normal listening volumes. Over the years I have developed a deep respect for what sound is and how it works and what it does to the human body. Shortly after the whales came to visit with me I was told that the US Navy was conducting sonar experiments in the whale's breeding ground. They were deliberately targeting four species of whales including the humpback and the grey whales to determine how loud they could blast the sonar (LFA or LFAS) before the whales showed some sign of avoidance or unusual behaviour. What deeply alarmed me was the loudness of the equipment. The US Navy Low Frequency Active Sonar is millions of times louder than a 747 taking off and causes great damage to the immune system with injuries similar to being microwaved. At the Navy testing volumes, let alone full deployment volumes, it shears tissues, collapses organs and causes adrenal and brain damage. At close range it can pulverize any living being. The US Navy equipment can produce well in excess of 240 dB sound levels. By "blasting" the sound into the oceans they have been killing whales, these sound levels depending on the frequencies will cause internal bleeding and death and in human much lower levels around 160 dB have permanently debilitated USN divers. Anybody out on the waters saw how distressed the whales had become and one team observed a calf flipping out in the water for hours until it presumably died. All the autopsies done on the whales have not been made available for independent evaluation and the evidence has been destroyed. To this date the USN continues to deny this evidence despite court hearings, testimonials and the evidence that they must have seen for themselves. As a result of these experiences I began to write emails every week to the 2000 people on my list detailing what I could find out about the tests. The emails passed around the world as many others forwarded the message to their lists and friends. I wrote protest letters to every one I could find associated with the project. I went out on the ocean and swam in the waters next to the sonar vessel so that they could not conduct the tests and I developed a web site that featured the latest information about the sonar program, and co-formed a movement called Stop LFAS Worldwide. However in the beginning, no matter how much I researched I could not find any reports showing conclusively that the sonar was damaging the whales. One day I found what I was looking for ... an article published in Nature Magazine (the author a zoologist has since been fired from the University of Athens for writing this) and widely reported in the British press that a 1996 sonar test in the Mediterranean had killed 12 Cuvier beaked whales. Finally I had the evidence that I knew had to be there ... and wondered why none of the marine mammal researchers had written anything. Then I found out that the main players in that field were employed indirectly by the USN! At that time the sonar was a black operations top secret project. The press would not cover any of my stories or even listen to me. Then as we protested in the waters some of us got sick, myself included. Slowly the news teams were allowed to cover the story ABC Chanel 7 and most recently (April 2001) 60 Minutes II covered the recent Bahamas strandings. Last week I protested, attended, spoke and video taped the National Marine Fisheries Service public hearings about US Navy application for a permit to kill more whales with the sonar devices. It was a fiery emotional meeting with the USN continuing their disinformation stories about it being necessary for enemy submarine detection. I hope you understand the worldwide and even cosmic ramifications of this destructive sonar device. Its effect is not only destroying the habitat of the whales but also the very vibrations within our living oceans and coastal communities. The deeper effect is potentially even more devastating because the sonar is to be deployed in over 80% of our oceans. Please take a look at the 60 Minutes video and my video of the hearings called Resounding Jericho - Stop LFAS - it will be our cries that will crumble the walls of our modern day establishment. Please, please, please protest via the link to the National Resources Defense Council's protest form. We need another 500,000 protests so pass this message onto everyone that you know. These have to be received before May 15th in writing or fax to: Donna Wieting, Chief; Marine Mammal Conservation Division; Office of Protected Resources; National Marine Fisheries Service; 1315 East-West Highway; Silver Spring, MD 20910-3226 Fax number: 301-713-0376 Sincerely, Benedick Howard Watch the videos at my site: For information on my sound healing environments Sonar Links This email is copyrighted, however you have my permission to circulate it everywhere!