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Beautifully written messages for LOVE and Inspiration.

Beautiful messages borrowed from the Kryon page.

+++ A Marshmallow Message +++ You are dearly loved! +++
++++++++++++++ From ++++++++++++++


I send you light to hold you, to hold you in love.
I send you light to heal you, to heal you in love.

May you love, honor, and cherish the preciousness and
uniqueness of your own being and of each other being in
this world.

May you see your own goodness and beauty reflected
wherever you look.

May you be contented and appreciative of all life's
bountiful gifts.

May the splendor and majesty of your being guide
your thoughts, words, and actions.

May your pain and fear be transformed into strength,
understanding and compassion.

May the shining light of your being radiate peace and
harmony wherever you are.

May you be suffused with happiness, joyfully
celebrating each day you are alive.

May you be abundant in all wealth and rich in generosity,
sharing your blessings freely.

May you be a soothing balm of kindness and a fragrant
blossom of love to everyone you meet.

May you be well, whole and healthy.

May the great love and compassion of your heart
embrace the suffering of all beings everywhere.

May the inner light of your purity and perfection
dissolve the clouds of discord, despair, and conflict.

May the intelligence and wisdom of your infinite mind
give you clarity in a confusing world.

May you trust that you are loved, cared for and supported
by the infinite-always.

May you possess the precious magic jewel of gratitude
that transforms all life into a paradise.

May you pause for a moment each day to remember
this blessing upon you, and calling forth the full power
and magnificence of your own being, may you pass it
on to all beings everywhere.

I send you light to hold you, to hold you in love.
I send you light to heal you, to heal you in love.

via BlueSilk9

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